Some time ago, we were informed about the introduction of ads before the screensaver in the latest OLED models from LG. The Korean manufacturer is not slowing down and is bringing such "innovations" to older models as well.
In early October, we informed about it that on the new LG OLED models from 2024, advertisements appear after a period of inactivity of the television. At that time, we did not know if older models would also be subject to such changes. The portal reports that advertisements before the screensaver are being secretly added to older LG models as well. The webOS update that was recently released may have included the implementation of these advertisements. Notifications about the system update did not mention this "feature," which left users unaware of whether to proceed with the update.
As reported by the aforementioned portal, screen saver ads were enabled by default in the LG GX (2020 generation), LG B1 (2021 generation), and LG B2 (2022 generation) models they studied. Fortunately, this option can still be turned off in the menu, under additional settings, under the heading Screen Saver Promotions. Below, this option can be seen in the GX model.
Examples of this feature are slowly starting to arrive from all over the world. LG TV owners are beginning to notice such advertisements, including from external partners. Here is an example from a Reddit user who wrote that "the black screen turned into a gigantic advertisement for Canadian chicken." If you have also noticed such advertisements in your devices, share it with us!